TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors' College

Applied learning Scholarship Presentation (2014/15)

This scholarship is co-organized by the Law’s Charitable Foundation and the Education Bureau to show appreciation to students who achieved good progress in their study of Applied Learning courses.
Our students, Lau Ting Kwan receives a scholarship of $1000 and Chow Tsz Lok receives a scholarship of $2000 as a special recognition of his demonstrating positive and persevering attitude. 

Cooking Class


為加強環保意識,樹立健康的金錢觀,並減輕家長購買新課本的經濟壓力,家長教師會於2021年7月24日 (星期六),為初中同學安排了舊課本買賣活動。當天短短2小時中,會場熙熙攘攘、人聲鼎沸,共有超過70個家庭組別參加了活動。本活動涵蓋變廢為寶、物善其用、物盡所值等意識,得到家長的鼓勵及正面的評價。

東華三院辛亥年總理中學 TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors' College
訪客人次: 2403138
地址: 新界屯門湖景邨
Address: Wu King Estate, Tuen Mun, NT
電話(Tel): 24645220
傳真(Fax): 24614724
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